Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bits and Pieces Part Two

On Sunday Brayden gave his first talk in Primary. He did so great, wasn't nervous at all. The only "slip-up" he had was when he fell off the stool by the podium. But he shook it off and did great. Elaine, I'll try to post a video of him later on in the week.

I cut my hair short on a whim.....and I love it. At the longest point she cut off 11 inches!! That's just too much hair to have period. It so cute and fun. Pics will follow...

I'm refinishing our dining room set. What a project. I knew it would be a big project but it has been ridiculous. The big time eater was that I decided to stain the table instead of paint it and it took forever. It should be done in a few days from now. Again, pics will follow.

On a much more serious note, my Grandma Wanda (my dad's mom) was diagnosed with cancer earlier this week. She has spindle cell cancer of the organ linings (kidney and spleen). It is pretty rare, rare enough that a google search won't even turn up much. Her surgery to remove a large tumor (size of an orange) is set for next Wednesday. That side of the family has been through a lot recently. My aunt just finished a round of radiation for another very rare cancer that was in her salivary glands. (Just goes to show how special my family is. We don't bother with the common cancers, just the really obscure ones that some doctors haven't even heard of.)Any extra prayers would be really appreciated.


Melissa said...

Can't wait to see all the pics! I'm trying to imagine you with really short hair - I bet it is cute!
I'm sorry about your grandma. Your family will be in my prayers! Hugs

Clayton and Amber said...

I will remember your Grandma and Aunt in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear about that. You have such a great/close family. I'm glad you can all pull together. And another note, I can't wait to see the pics of your hair. How cute! Your kids keep getting cuter!