Thursday, April 10, 2008

Please Don't Think I'm Bragging

I'm really not. I'm just so excited that I feel the need to share the news with everyone. If I could, I think I would hire an airplane to write it in the sky. Here goes my great news...

Not only has Brayden potty trained himself during the daytime, but he's gone over a week with no accidents during his nap or nighttime! I wish I knew what triggered it all so I could use it with future potty training endeavors. He just did it. I hadn't even thought about getting him out of diapers while he sleeps. I figured that would be so much further down the road. Needless to say, I am just so excited. Even with him not feeling well, it hasn't been an issue. In fact, I tried to put a diaper on him for bedtime yesterday and we had an all-out revolt. He won. I just hope he keeps it up!


Melissa said...

Hurrah! That is a big hurdle to get over! I'm glad he's doing so well :D

Brandon & Megan said...

WOW!! thats great! except for the asthma part. hope that gets better. poor guy.