Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Holy Crap!

I chose the title for two reasons. First of all, it is freezing here! It rained all Sunday and Monday and has been miserable. I check the thermostat last night before bed and it said 64 Degrees. But who runs their heater in September? And this morning it is 45 degrees in Sandy. 45 DEGREES. It's only September 2nd. What am I supposed to do all winter? I'm pretty sure staying in bed isn't an option, but it's the only place I'm warm.

Second reason for the title: It's Brayden's new phrase. I think he picked it up from his Uncle Michael who stayed with us for a few days. He loves it and uses it pretty regularly. I guess as long as he doesn't yell it out during the middle of the sacrament I'm fine. (this will probably happen. Just give it a week or two.) Here's some more funny Brayden stories:
  • "Mom, did you know Heavenly Father only makes thunder and Jesus only makes lightning? Well it's true."
  • I'm in the kitchen when Brayden brings me the child safety thing we put on the front door and says, "I took it off cause I can't open the door with this silly thing on the handle. It broke into two pieces, but I fixed it." He then hands it to me, walks down the stairs and goes outside. Call me crazy, but I don't think my three year old should be able to take off the child safety "thing" (what else can I call it?) So I'll have to devise a new, cunning plan to keep him from going outside whenever he feels like it. hmm...

And just for the record, it's freezing and I hate it. And it's not even close to winter. I have a feeling our heating bill is going to be astronomical. Sigh.


Melissa said...

I'm sorry :( The cold is never a fun thing. You can ALWAYS come visit. Any time. We're usually around... or you could just move back. We wouldn't mind that either...

Bethanne said...

Omigosh about B! Those phrases and stories are awesome! :)

Yeah, I hate the cold. You should move to Texas just for the Fall...best place in the world for enjoyable Fall weather! :)