Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pretty Princess?

Since it was a Saturday and I have tons of things to avoid doing, I thought we should do a mini-photo shoot with Tawny. You see, I've wanted to take Tawny and Brayden to a photographer, but I haven't got around to it. So decided to try my hand at it. Keep in mind I am no photographer. At all. But I figured I could try, and if it doesn't turn out I can still always take her to a photographer. And well, I just can't decide what I think. For one thing, she spent the entire time eating grapes off our grapevines and she's chewing in nearly all the shots. So what do you think? Did they turn out at all? If so, which is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!

Yes, her mouth is stuffed full of grapes

I think this is my favorite....maybe...

And lest you think I ignored Brayden, there are no pics of him because he has a beautiful rash all over his face. I think we'll wait for it to go away first.


Melissa said...

I'm gonna agree with you on the favorite... do you have any photo editing software that you could crop and play around with them at all? I might "steal" them from your site... watch for an email in the next few days :)

Bethanne said...

I have to agree with you too. VERY cute. Love it!